Top Essential Gadgets for Pregnant Women: Gadgets for Pregnant Women

Many people question what to purchase as a present for a woman expecting a baby in their family or the vicinity. Should the comfort and wants of the pregnant woman be prioritised before those of the infant or other items that help with its upkeep? Which pregnancy-related devices are suitable for different scenarios? Make sure to read if you’re looking for ideas or suggestions for gifts for expectant mothers!

A new generation of technology for women, Femtech gadgets, is bringing digital tricks for turning off period discomfort and smartphone apps to boost a person’s chances of becoming pregnant.

The creator of the period-tracking app Clue, Ida Tin, devised the clever phrase a few years ago. It refers to the use of technology to enhance women’s health and wellness, encompassing items such as birth control apps, telemedicine platforms, sex toys, and substitute tampons.

This is a crucial and highly relevant industry segment that is, at last, getting the attention it merits, if only partially due to the increased awareness of the ongoing differences in pay between men and women in several industries.

Women are breaking the idea of taboo after centuries of shame and silence, and we are here to support them. We decided to start our investigation into this emerging market by examining a particularly appealing topic to designers and femtech start-ups: pregnancy.

The birth of a child opens up a world of possibilities for tech-driven answers to common problems and general curiosities, from fertility trackers to devices specifically made to evaluate a baby’s health.

Aside from food, water, and shelter, a person’s devices sustain them in the current technological era. Thus, ten essential devices for pregnant moms are covered in this article.

Cushion for feeding
A breastfeeding cushion is a beautiful present for an expectant mother due to its practicality and aesthetic appeal. Any home can benefit from this lovely and functional decoration by selecting a fashionable model. Select a feeding pillow shaped like a hen, a bunny, or a traditional croissant made of plush, soft material to make the expectant mother happy. Pregnant women will find these kinds of devices helpful during and after childbirth, as they will relieve strain on their arms and back throughout breastfeeding.

Jacket elongator
If you’re in a chilly region during your third trimester and your jacket won’t zip up over your belly, you might be struggling to stay warm. A jacket extender adds extra inches of cloth to most zippered coats, allowing you to close your skin around you. The best thing is to wear your jacket against your belly and chest after giving birth by extending it around your infant in a carrier. A jacket extender makes it much easier to walk during the fourth trimester while keeping your baby close to you and snuggled within your jacket.

Bracelets for nausea relief
Some people respond well to home cures for nausea during the first trimester, while others do not. It could be time to try acupressure if ginger and crackers haven’t worked. The tiny buttons on these straightforward, elastic bands apply slight pressure to a specific spot on your wrist, which helps reduce nausea. The bars are worn around your wrists. They can help with nausea from any source, including the birth of your little one, although they are commonly worn by those who are motion sick.

Fertility Tracker Ava
You can’t dispute Ava’s futuristic achievement, even though some experts question whether the algorithms inside are worth the price. With a smartphone app and a smart wearable bracelet, Ava eliminates the laborious process of manually recording basal body temperature (BBT), making it challenging to monitor ovulation.

It assesses four additional physiological indicators of fertility in addition to temperature through the wrist: heart rate, heart rate variability, skin perfusion, and breathing rate. The bracelet uses artificial intelligence (AI) to validate these metrics and provide the wearer with a forecast of their fertile window.

Roo Embryonic Heart Monitor
While using technology during pregnancy is not new—take a peek at newborn scans—devices for connecting with babies have become more popular recently. The Roo Prenatal Heartbeat Monitor, a non-invasive method of listening to an unborn baby’s heartbeat during the third trimester, is another addition.

Because of its tiny form factor, Roo’s device is straightforward to use and transport, even for expectant mothers. The gadget plays the baby’s heartbeat and then syncs with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa to record the information so you can later follow the heartbeats.

Just scour the stomach (just like with a conventional ultrasound) until you find a heartbeat. At this point, consider the risks of using this equipment and why it is best to leave heartbeat monitoring to experts in a safe setting.

A big workout ball
Exercises using a considerable ball are highly advised for pregnant women following a physiological course as they help to strengthen legs, relax the back, and increase pelvic mobility. When purchasing exercise equipment for a pregnant woman, it’s essential to ascertain beforehand whether the expectant mother’s health permits safe gymnastics. The midwife and childbirth classes cover sitting on the ball in addition to appropriate breathing methods. Those who are in labour can also use hops in the delivery ward because the exercises done on them are an alternative to taking medication to ease the pain associated with uterine contractions. Pregnant women can keep healthy and get ready for childbirth in the comfort of their own homes with the help of a big, inflatable ball.

Maternity bed
One of the most challenging things for pregnant women who used to like lying or sleeping on their bellies can be the inability to do so. With a cosy design and a hole for your growing belly to squeeze in as you lie face-down, an inflatable pregnancy bed can fulfil your goal without waiting for postpartum. This position allows for better back support, and the adjustable hole accommodates a wide range of belly sizes. It can also be used to float in the pool!

Razor extension
You most likely won’t be able to shave your legs when you get to the point where you can no longer tie your shoes. A razor extender is required if you wish to continue doing it during the third trimester. Secure any disposable or reusable razor on the pole at the beginning of shaving.

You can have the most comfortable, healthiest, and convenient pregnancy ever with assistance from these devices. At this crucial point in your life, give one a try or invest in all of them.

Owlet Infant Health Tracker
The Owlet Smart Sock is a clever gadget that fits snuggly around your baby’s foot and uses infrared light to detect heart rate, oxygen saturation, and sleep, just like an Apple Watch does. It is hidden inside a darling piece of infant apparel.

Each device is simple to use and comes with three washable socks that can be connected via Bluetooth to a base station up to 30 metres (100 feet) away. When everything seems to be going well, the base station emits a green glow, alerting users with lights and sound.

Like every other pregnancy and infant device, this one also has an app that lets users stream real-time heart rate and oxygen levels on their phones and receive notifications.

Therefore, here are a few of the most valuable devices you should carry throughout pregnancy. All you have to do, besides keeping an eye on the health of both you and the infant, is unwind and relish this lovely sensation.

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