How do you choose an electric toothbrush? Electric Toothbrush Buying Guide

Good oral hygiene isn’t only necessary for good dental health. It can also affect your overall well-being. From a young age, we’re taught the value of brushing our teeth regularly to keep them and our gums healthy. When toothbrushes with nylon bristles were first invented in the 1930s, you didn’t have many options. Now, the choices can be overwhelming.

It’s generally accepted that electric toothbrushes are more effective than manual toothbrushes, and many dental professionals recommend the former to help maximize their patients’ brushing effectiveness. If you’re contemplating buying an electric toothbrush, many different types are available, with various features and a wide range of prices.

How to choose an electric toothbrush comes down to one factor: likability. The best toothbrush for you is the one you’re most likely to use. If you like your toothbrush, you’re more likely to brush for two minutes and clean all the tooth surfaces, as dental professionals recommend. Although price is always a consideration, your oral health depends on it. Factor in your oral health, lifestyle, and budget; if you’re still unsure, consult your dental professional for recommendations.

Changing your toothbrush is the best place to start if you are committed to improving your oral health. If you’ve only ever used a manual toothbrush, now is the time to upgrade to an electric toothbrush to give your teeth and gums the care and attention they need when brushing. Here, we share why electric toothbrushes are better than manual ones and give you some top tips on what to look for when choosing the best electric toothbrush for you and your family.

What should I look for when choosing an electric toothbrush?

First, don’t go for an electric toothbrush that’s too small or large for your mouth. Generally, more giant toothbrushes make it hard to effectively clean the hard-to-reach areas like behind your lower front teeth and upper back teeth, says Boca Raton cosmetic and restorative dentist Geoffrey Morris, D.M.D. He advises using a toothbrush with either a round head or a head smaller than 0.5 inch by 1 inch. Plus, the handle should be long enough to hold it in your hand comfortably.

Bristle Stiffness
When a toothbrush is labeled “extra soft,” “soft,” “medium,” or “hard,” this relates to bristle stiffness. The A.D.A. advises going for a brush with soft bristles. “Harder bristles can damage and remove enamel and root surfaces,” Morris explains.

Oscillating Motion
Chris Strandburg, D.D.S., dentist, and Waterpik spokesperson, avoids any electric toothbrush that doesn’t have oscillating motion. “This means the bristles travel back and forth a certain distance to disrupt plaque and debris,” he explains. Many electric toothbrushes will “vibrate” in your hand, but Strandburg says that provides no additional cleaning benefit at the bristles.

A Range of Settings
It’s a big plus if your electric toothbrush has various settings to help you personalize your brush, the experts say.

Some crucial settings include a self-timer, a pressure sensor, and a range of cleaning modes, says Lewis Chen, D.D.S., FICOI, FIADFE, co-founder and managing partner of Beam Street. “This removes a lot of the guesswork in your cleaning, which helps you clean confidently,” he says.

“Most patients I see who have bought and rarely used their electric toothbrush find the vibrations uncomfortable or ticklish,” Morris says. An electric toothbrush with a setting to control the sensitivity level is the answer to this problem.

The A.D.A. Seal of Acceptance
Thompson advises against “promotional-type brushes” that don’t bear the A.D.A. Seal of Acceptance. A product earns this accolade by providing scientific evidence demonstrating its safety and efficacy for removing plaque and reducing gingivitis (gum disease). You can find a list of powered toothbrushes that currently have the A.D.A. Seal of Acceptance on the A.D.A. website.

Electric toothbrushes are more affordable than they used to be, but Morris doesn’t recommend spending less than $50. “The quality will be poor and won’t last,” he says. If money is an issue, he advises waiting (brushing your teeth with your manual brush in the meantime), saving up, and then buying a better one.

You might be tempted to buy an electric toothbrush because you’ve seen it promoted by someone famous, but this shouldn’t be a deciding factor. “Many companies pay celebrities to promote who don’t even look at the scientific evidence or consider what makes that product better,” Morris says.

Refund Policy
It can take some time to evaluate how effective a toothbrush will be for you, and you might try two or three different brushes until you’re satisfied you’ve found the right one, Strandburg says. Luckily, most larger companies offer a money-back guarantee, meaning if you try it and don’t like it, you can send it back for a full refund.

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