How Do You Choose a Good Massager for Home Use? Everything You Need to Know About Massage Guns

Hey, are you curious about how to choose a good massager for home use?

With a home massager, you may invest once and have a personal masseuse when you need them most. An appointment is not required, and you are not required to leave the house. Your very own electric massager is ready for use anytime you decide you need some downtime. If you’re in the market for one, you’ve likely already heard a lot about the many advantages massage guns provide for your body and muscles. However, choosing the best massage gun for you might be challenging when so many different models and brands are available.

The key considerations when choosing your new massage gun are shared in this blog article.

Why Use a Massage Gun? What Is It?

Often referred to as “vibration therapy” or “percussive massage treatment,” massage guns are little, handheld gadgets that resemble power drills and, in certain situations, even sound like them. They often have removable, wireless attachments (most run on a rechargeable battery).

The attachments of the massage gun vibrate or “percuss” at a high frequency and low amplitude of movement when it is applied to your muscles and activated. Proponents assert that this lessens muscular discomfort, speeds up exercise recovery, and enhances overall performance.

Selecting the appropriate design is the first step in choosing a quality massager. You want the weight to feel balanced and the shape to handle comfortably. The ideal one should be adjustable to reach most body regions without assuming a strenuous or taxing position. These features indicate that your massager was well-built if you discover them in it.

Another device that needs some power is the hammer-and-drive mechanism. You desire one that is weak and unable to pierce the muscle. Thankfully, it’s typical for electric massagers in Canada to have adjustable speed and intensity settings. This is advantageous since it lets the consumer personalize their massage.

The idea behind all these features is that you want to avoid sacrificing quality. If you spend money on a massager, it should be because you want a long-lasting device that can easily reach the most tight areas of your body. Regarding cost, some Canadians will settle for inexpensive massagers that, regrettably, break down within a year due to poor construction. Look at the reviews to know if a massager is a good fit for your home. They’ll frequently provide you with all the information you require regarding quality.

Many elements that would have been unthinkable decades ago are included in the finest massager of 2019. For many Canadians, having different massage heads might be a significant component. After all, many massage heads are available, each providing a unique sensation. Tai chi heads to knead up and own, roller heads to smooth roll an area, a double-wheel massage, an angle-roller head, wavy heads for acupuncture points and deep tissue, ball massage heads to use with essential oils, and more. Also available are fat massage heads for weight loss massages and abdominal massaging.

The Distinctions Among Foam Rollers, Massage Guns, and Other Muscle Recovery Devices

“Massage guns accomplish the same goals as massage but do them differently,” adds Malek. They have a comparable impact to massage and foam rolling. Whichever you select might rely on your tastes.

Myofascial release is used in foam rolling to reduce muscle tension. Fascia is the connective tissue that envelops muscles, blood vessels, and nerves. For a variety of reasons, fascia may become taut or even inflammatory. You could find it difficult to move after that. However, Malek claims that using a foam roller to deliver mild to moderate continuous pressure can aid in the release or relaxation of tense body parts.

Although applying a massage gun to a single spot might have comparable results, Malek argues that this technique differs from a myofascial release because of its quick, percussion-like motion.

On the other hand, static stretching, which has more data to back its advantages than foam rolling, involves gentle, continuous stretches on a muscle to encourage relaxation and lessen sensations of muscle tension, according to Malek. (Note that this impact usually occurs after a workout; it is not usually the case during a pre-workout warm-up.)

Because stretching has no percussion on the muscle, it can be more calming for certain people, according to Malek. It’s also more convenient because you don’t require any special equipment.

How to Apply a Massager

Although you can use a massager at any time to release muscle tension, UCLA Health reports that people most frequently use them to engage their muscles before working out and to relieve soreness or stiffness afterwards. When used within 48 hours of a workout, massage guns can help minimize discomfort and enhance recovery.

Choose a tight spot on your body and move the gun over most of the muscle to get the most out of it. Malek says, “Apply pressure as tolerated, but not too strongly.” (Usually, the pistol has a switch or button to boost pressure.) You can sweep an area for two minutes or remain still for up to fifteen seconds. Certain firearms even feature a monitor linked to an application to determine how long and hard it is to fire in various zones.

Avoid going near bony parts. Additionally, consult a physical therapist before utilising a massage gun for an injury if you have one. Malek advises against touching anything injured or in excruciating pain because it may worsen the problem.

You’ve pushed too hard or for too long if using a massage gun leaves you feeling even more sore.

See your doctor before using a massager if you have deep vein thrombosis, are pregnant, or are sensitive to nerves. Moreover, Malek advises ensuring the speed and attachment are appropriate for your tolerance if you know you are prone to bruises.

Things to Consider Before Purchasing a Massager

Massagers are costly. Since high-end firearms can run into the several hundred dollar range, you should carefully consider your options before purchasing. To begin, look at reviews online, advises Malek.

Because massage guns come in various sizes, Malek advises considering your comfort when deciding on the weight, size, and muscles you wish to target with the tool.

Some have handles and heads that can be adjusted, making it more straightforward to reach particular body areas. Consider whether you want to carry your gadget with you at all times. Compact massagers could be a great choice because they can conveniently fit into a backpack.

Regardless of size, be sure the massager has a variety of attachments to assist you in targeting challenging or hard-to-reach areas. Additionally, it should feature various settings to select between softer and harder percussion actions. Further, please take note of the gun’s intensity or loudness since that will also impact how much fun you have with it.

Make sure you set a budget before you start looking because massage guns can cost anywhere from 25 to 500 euros, depending on features, brand recognition, and functionality. An inexpensive model might work well if you use it mostly at home, but pros or athletes might require something with more power or sophisticated features like customizable speed settings.

Choosing the best massage gun for you can be challenging, but fortunately, many options are available at various price points to suit any requirement or budget! As a last piece of advice, don’t forget to read the reviews—they often provide more information than the product description.


Apart from intense physical activity, incorrect posture can also lead to muscle soreness.

In addition to applying a massage gun, the following techniques can aid in pain and soreness relief:

Increase your stretching routine: People who spend much time sitting at an office desk should pay special attention to this! To assist your muscles relax and avoid stiffness, try stretching them regularly. Make stretching a habit and dedicate 20 to 30 seconds to each activity.

2. Warm up before working out (dynamic stretching): To increase flexibility and reduce stiffness, warm up before every workout. A thorough warm-up can help lower the chance of injury.

3. Eat protein and carbohydrates – replenishing your energy after working out lowers your chance of injury and stops your muscles from losing protein.

  – Eat a high-protein, nutrient-dense snack within 30 minutes of your activity. Some examples of such snacks include milk, unsweetened soy milk, potatoes, bananas, and roast chicken breast.

Last, a cordless and portable massager for home usage lets you take it anywhere without plugging it in. You can even throw it on your back and carry it when travelling if you have a lengthy journey ahead of you or a long day ahead of you at work. Each of these factors will influence the finest massager for use at home.

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